The Best Ever Blog

First of all, just a quick introduction. My name is Kenton Steryous, I'm a husband, a father of four, and an outdoor landscape and adventure photographer. I love to rock climb and backpack. I play tennis and the violin. I love to fish, but only with a fly rod. And there's nothing more pleasurable than watching my bird dog "Jack" work a field, and locking up steady on point, side by side in hand anticipating the flush.

And in all of these pursuits, I have one consistent flaw, I prefer to.use only the best tools available to accomplish each of these tasks.

I prefer to do all my writing with a fountain pen, but only with a nib that has been hand ground to a stub. And when I shave, I mix my own lather with a traditional badger hair brush.

So what will the blog be about? All of that. Each post will be a mix of product review and product features, but in each case it will feature only the best quality products. Products that I use and that possess unfailing and uncompromising quality.

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